LIner Classic is a pool liner that is suitable for pools that are not heated to more than 28°C. This is standard for pools that are not equipped with a heating system at all or where the client specifically requires "cooler" water.
Liner Celsius is designed for pools that are heated to a temperature of up to 33°C for long periods of time. If your family prefers warm water or if you have a pool equipped with a roof that generates heat by itself thanks to the greenhouse effect, then the Celsius liner is the right one!
Liner Premium is designed for pools where the water is kept at temperatures up to 35°C for long periods of time. Recommended for thermophilic swimmers or for indoor pools.
From a safety point of view, a non-slip surface is essential for any pool with corner or over-width steps!
Podívejte se, jak se liner v továrně Desjoyaux vlastně vyrábí ....